GovEVA eReport

Global Sustainability reporting
A shift from shareholder primacy to stakeholder capitlism has caused a change in the reporting landscape for organisations. Collection of data from various stakeholders across the value chain is a tedious process but our one stop solution will let organisations do it with the click of a few buttons. Goveva’s platform will help generate a report as per domestic or global frameworks such as BRSR, GRI, SASB, IR or CDP etc.
India Sustainability reporting ( BRSR )

SEBI Mandated BRSR

A reporting format mandated for the top 1000 listed companies by market cap is quite the challenge from a collation and tabulation standpoint

Challenges with the BRSR

  • Complex data oriented framework - 151 data points that need to be captured
  • Environmental data, especially GHG emissions, requires multiple calculations and collation
  • Social data requires collation and tabulation from different data sources and silos of information
  • Governance inputs require process and policy reviews and inputs
  • Prescriptive data driven format

The GovEVA end-to-end digital eReporting solution