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GovEVA ESG Software: What does it do


How GovEVA’s ESG can partner you on your sustainability journey?

With a Unique Combination of cutting-edge AI-based digital automation and standards-based content GovEVA enables enterprises-wide Assessment, Discovery, and Execution management. Our digital approach is radically different, in that we start-off from where most other tools stop. Most tools either give you lagging metrics or there are multiple frame-works who tell you what the desired end-state should be. GovEVA is the only platform that can help you figure where you are today, and how you can reach global best practice end-states.

OUR 7 Step Approach

The world of ESG has multiple standards and a plethora of issues and parameters to benchmark against. Materiality assessment is the process of identifying, refining, and assessing potential environmental, social, and governance issues that could affect your business and your stakeholders and condensing them into a shortlist of topics that inform your company’s strategic targets and reporting. It is critical to get an initial fix on your organization’s priorities based on Double Materiality, which GovEVA enables and administers digitally.

Once you know what ESG parameters are applicable and essential for your organization, the next logical step is to assess where you stand vis-à-vis these parameters. GovEVA uses technology and standards-based content to help you figure out your current state vis-à-vis an ideal ESG company in your industry. Our algorithm considers your scale, maturity, sector, and geographic spread to help enable an objective and measurable current state, which will be your baseline from which to progress.

Most organizations have multiple potential ESG data inputs scattered across different functions and locations; these may be in the form of raw data in existing IT systems or various spreadsheets. E.g., most organizations can quickly calculate their Carbon Footprint basis input data like electricity and energy consumption, travel and transportation records, etc. Similarly, HR systems have data available around diversity, equity, inclusion, etc., which can be input for calculating various social parameters. GovEVA helps calculate and report all of these quantitative under the various pillars of E, S, and G.

Once you have system-generated baselining available, the system helps you figure out all the gaps you may have vis-à-vis the ideal state. This is available in a granular and actionable manner. This Gap Analysis report then helps you understand and plan your future course of action as you embark on your journey of ESG enhancement.

Basis the Current state baseline, Gap Analysis, and initial quantitative, you are now armed and ready to embark on your ESG journey. The GovEVA platform provides an initial automated roadmap; based on this; our team can help enable discussions and workshops with your team and supplement the same with our domain experts to help you craft your strategic go-forward plan. Once finalized, the program is broken into focused processes and tasks and the complete process of execution, monitoring, and reporting is managed through the GovEVA digital platform.

GovEVA has flexible workflows, task engines, and dashboards, which can be configured at the individual user level, department, or business-unit level; consolidated management dashboards are also available. This makes GovEVA your ideal platform to track and monitor your entire organization-wide ESG journey.

Multiple user-configurable reports can be generated through the system and can be viewed online or exported to other applications. Depending on the end-use, viz. for MIS, external stakeholders, or regulatory requirements, you have the flexibility to generate custom outputs.

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